


  • ※The cities within the investment plan currently available include five major regions: Dalian, Beijing, Tianjin, Qingdao, and East China

  • ※The postage for the information in the investment case needs to be borne by the client
    Domestic postage in China: approximately 50 RMB/postage to Japan: approximately 500 RMB (as of November 2012)

  • ※The sending method of email is free of charge

  • ※The information in the investment case is a simplified version

  • ※Please fill out the detailed information of the investment case clearly according to the table below, and then click the "confirm button" to send it

  • ※We will send you the investment case materials you wish to receive as soon as possible. However, due to inventory issues, it may sometimes take some time. Please provide understanding.

  • ※The items filled in the form contain personal information. Please click here to read your company's personal information protection methods.

  • ※Items marked with[*]are mandatory and cannot be sent out without filling them out.

  • ※Please do not use special fonts to fill out the form

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贡嘎县| 福鼎市| 玉田县| 汉阴县| 海晏县| 双流县| 武邑县| 金门县| 郴州市| 泗洪县| 霍州市| 西乡县| 桃源县| 米泉市| 栾川县| 定西市| 永嘉县| 响水县| 荆州市| 龙海市| 张家口市| 大田县| 新干县| 巩义市| 宁陵县| 福鼎市| 日土县| 高唐县| 娱乐| 分宜县| 类乌齐县| 白城市| 驻马店市| 子洲县| 嵩明县| 盐源县| 开阳县| 通道| 汉源县| 安庆市| 若尔盖县|